Četrtek, 15 November 2012 21:52 |
Na nedeljsko jutro 11.11.2012 se je v športni dvorani Kašelj v Ljubljani odvil mnogoboj med osnovnošolskimi ekipami v·kriketu. V skupno sedmih tekmah so se v igri dvoranskega kriketa za naslov Najboljše osnovnošolske kriket ekipe, ter lepo nagrado sponzorja Harvey Normana - LCD televizor, pomerile štiri, osnovnošolske ekipe; British School, OŠ Kašelj, Smlednik A in smlednik B.·Medtem, ko so organizatorji turnirja s pripravo igrišča pričeli že ob 8:00 uri zjutraj, so nekateri mladi nadebudni kriketaši že pričeli z ogrevanjem. Samo tekmovanje se je pričelo nekaj čez deveto uro, ko so bile urejene še zadnje podrobnosti z določitvijo ekip in vrstnim redom tekem.·
Pred samim pričetkom tekmovanja so vsem otrokom bile razdeljene še kriket majčke, osvežilne pijače ter kuponi s popusti sponzorja Harvey Norman.
Dvoboji mešanih ekip dečkov in deklic so se zgodili v naslednjem vrstnem redu:
1. British School proti Smlednik B (65 tekov proti 57 tekov), zmagovalec British School
2. Kašelj proti Smlednik A (65 tekov proti 20 tekov), zmagovalec Kašelj
3. Kašelj proti Smlednik B (38 tekov proti 22 tekov), zmagovalec Kašelj
4. British School proti Smlednik A (43 tekov proti 35 tekov), zmagovalec British School
5. British School proti Kašelj (26 tekov proti 44 tekov), zmagovalec Kašelj
6. Smlednik A proti Smlednik B (17 tekov proti 50 tekov), zmagovalec Smlednik B
7. ·FINALE: British School proti Kašelj (50 tekov proti 51 tekov), zmagovalec Kašelj
Tekme so bile napete in videti je bilo moč kar nekaj spektakularno odbitih, zalučanih in ulovljenih žog. Te so nemalokrat odfrčale ali med palčke, ali pa vse do sten oz. visoko pod ostrešje telovadnice. Če le tega ne bi bilo, bi marsikatera nedvomno odletela kar iz telovadnice in tako ekipi priigrala štiri ali šest točk. Mladi igralci so tekom celotnega turnirja igrali zagnano in požrtvovalno. Za kako resne tekme je v resnici šlo je bilo moč občutiti ob glasnih, vspodbujajočih vzklikih navijajočih soigralcev, staršev in dodeljenih vzgojiteljev, ki so pozorno spremljali vsako sodniško odločitev sodnikov Nejca in Marka, ki sta strogo a konsistentno sodila celoten turnir. Dobro poznavanje pravil in strategij igre se je odražalo v kvalitetni igri, saj je turnir ob preračunljivem vračanju žogic proti vratcem in spretnem varovanju "ang. backup"-iranju zabeležil kar nekaj izločitev med tekom "ang. runout"-ov. Po in pred vsako tekmo so trenerji skupaj s svojimi varovanci določili strategijo za naslednjo tekmo, določili ·vrstni red odbijanja, kako je najbolje lučati, ter kako igrati proti nasprotniku. Tako so praktično vse ekipe dosegle zavidljivo visoke rezultate, kjer je med zmagovalci in poraženci odločala le majhna razlika v točkah.Tako je drugouvrščeno ekipo British School premagala ekipa iz OŠ Kašelj in svoji šoli priigrala lepo nagrado sponzorja Harvey Norman - LCD televizor!
Po koncu tekmovalnega dela je v predverju telovadnice sledila še slavnostna podelitev nagrad najboljšim ter manjša pogostitev z druženjem. Igralci in trenerji zmagovalnih ekipe so bili obdarjeni z medaljami. Kot najboljši igralec tekme je bil imenovan Žiga Milavec, kot najboljša igralka pa Tina Zaletelj. Čestitke! Otroci so se v prijateljskem duhu kriketa od svojih soigralcev in sošolcev poslovili· ob 14:00 uri popoldan. Na pomoč k ogranizaciji turnirja so priskoskočili številni člani različnih slovenskih klubov ter slovenske kriket zveze, ki so otrokom med ogrevanjem zaupali najrazličnejše trike in tehnike za uspešnejše odbijanje in lučanje žoge. Otroci so med drugim imeli možnost spoznati nove prijatelje različnih narodnosti in ras, tako med svojimi sovrstniki, kot tudi s starejšimi.Ob koncu še zahvala organizatorjem in pomagačem ter seveda staršem, ki so pripeljali svoje otroke in jim omogočili udeležbo na tem krasnem turnirju!
Dogodek smo seveda tudi dodobra pofotografirali, galerijo slik si lahko ogledate tukaj!Športni pozdrav!
prevodov ni na voljo.
Alasdair Green reports from the final of the Harvey Norman Junior School's Championship 2007. We are expecting to be sent some photos and the scorecard in the near future.
The final of the inaugural 4-school Harvey Norman Junior Schools' Championship was held at Valburga on 19 June 2007. Taking part were semi-final winners OS Smlednik and OS Polje, with the format being a maximum of 12 overs a side.
Batting first, Polje eventually finished with what looked to be a reasonably competitive 54 from their 12 overs. The innings was characterised by big hitting, with both the fielding and running between the wickets being fast and furious.
Smlednik got off to a troubled start in reply, with two good stumpings in the fourth over putting Polje in charge. Commendably straight line-and-length bowling learned in coaching sessions run in his spare time by Mark Oman was reaping dividends.
However, good partnerships for the third and fourth wickets with a succession of balls being hit off middle stump to the leg side put Smlednik in control, and they overhauled the target with a couple of overs to spare. Thus OS Smlednik, coached admirably by Steve Mayland, are our first champions.
As a note for the future, both sides found the transition to full-scale outdoor cricket played on a full-length 22-yard pitch challenging. None of the players had any previous experience of this, all their cricket having been played in sports' halls. There's a strong case to be made for having a shorter stump-to-stump distance to allow the kids to adjust.
That said, the quality of the cricket played was remarkable. The event was an outstanding success, and we'd emphasise that the participants and sports teachers from each school showed abundant enthusiasm for and commitment to cricket.
To sum up, the schools' programme in Slovenia goes from strength to strength. |
prevodov ni na voljo.
2006 saw us hold our national junior championships, once again with the invaluable help of Harvey Norman. In addition to this, there have been two cricket days, organised independently of the club, which is a very encouraging sign. We have collected many pictures of the last few championships and we will endevour to upload them as soon as possible. In the meantime, here are a few taken at a pre-tournament training day at Danila Kumar primary school.
Left: This coaching session took place in 2 halves. First in the school gymnasium, where the basics were introduced. Right: Then, outside where the kids used the new skills they had learnt. Needless to say, they were enthusiastic.
Left: As the pictures show cricket was the winner... Right: ..and hopefully some of these kids will continue to play!
Vinko shares some of his experiences with a group who haven't heard these jokes before. |
Sobota, 07 April 2012 08:40 |
Championships were held on Sunday 19 October 2003. This was the biggest ever event in the development of cricket in Slovenia, and was sponsored by Harvey Norman. The tournament was held at Športna Dvorana Kodeljevo in Ljubljana between 9am and 1pm, and the format was as follows: Each team played the others in their group once, with the two group winners contesting the Final. Each game was designed to be of very short duration (8 overs a side), with each player bowling just a single over. The guests of honour were the British Ambassador, Mr Hugh Mortimer, the Deputy Mayor of Ljubljana, Mr Slavko Slak, and the General Manager of Harvey Norman, Mr Glen Norman. We were also delighted to see about 100 parents in the stands looking on, and really getting behind their children. It was a truly impressive spectacle. We also welcomed two representatives from our newly-formed sister club in Maribor, who were there to give the event their support.
One of the best things about the event was the bowling, especially when you consider that none of the participants had played cricket before this autumn. The Final was very exciting, and resulted in... a tie. Well, no-one had anticipated that when the rules were being drawn up. It was hastily decided to play an additional 4-over game to decide the winners, and Osnovna Šola Martina Krpana, from Fužine in Ljubljana, were duly crowned champions. The unlucky runners-up were Škofja Loka. After the Final, all five schools were donated a full set of cricket equipment, including bats, gloves, pads etc, by Hugh Mortimer, and they will be using that equipment when next year's championships are held outside at Valburga, probably next May. The winning team from Martina Krpana, as well as taking away the trophy, was also awarded 50,000 tolars (just over 200EUR) by Glen Norman for their school. There were further trophies for the bowler and batsman of the tournament, and Harvey Norman vouchers worth 5,000 tolars. We would like to take this opportunity to thank our three special guests for coming, and we would like to record especial thanks to Glen and Hugh for their magnificent generosity. Thanks also to Mark Oman for doing a sterling job in putting the event together.
Group A
Group B
Horjul A
Martina Krpana
Horjul B
Nove Fužine A
Nove Fužine C
Nove Fužine B
Škofja Loka
Action from the National Junior Championships (or Turnir Osnovnih Šol v kriketu 2003, if you prefer). Clockwise from top left; Dogged determination and a good straight bat make for a sound defence (something that has so far escaped the notice of a good number of Ljubljana players, we are sorry to say); Škofja Loka in action attempting to effect a run out in a group game; the joy of success; and photographic evidence that is isn't really that hard to get kids bowling properly, despite what some professionals (who ought to know better) might tell you. And while we're blowing our own trumpets, we'll point out that none of these kids have been playing for more than a couple of months, and that there is not a single qualified cricket coach in Slovenia.
Group A
Group B
Martina Krpana beat Nove Fužine A by 18 runs
Nove Fužine C beat Horjul B by 5 wickets
Nove Fužine B beat Horjul A by 5 wickets
Škofja Loka beat Grosuplje by 19 runs
Nove Fužine B beat Nove Fužine A by 1 wicket
Grosuplje beat Nove Fužine C by 1 wicket
Martina Krpana beat Horjul A by 1 wicket
Škofja Loka beat Horjul B by 16 runs
Nove Fužine A beat Horjul A by 12 runs
Škofja Loka beat Nove Fužine C by 3 wickets
Martina Krpana beat Nove Fužine B by 9 runs
Horjul B beat Grosuplje by 2 wickets
The Final: OŠ Martina Krpana beat Škofja Loka by 1 wicket
The scene: Two games in progress at once; plenty of Club members milling around not doing much.
Team spirit.
The joy of success: A wicket falls. The fielding side celebrate, while the unfortunate batsman readies himself for the long walk back to the pavilion.
A well-populated slip-cordon.
To think that these kids only took up cricket a few weeks before the day of the Championships. Have a look at this girl swooping on the ball, while the batters hurry through for a quick single. Meanwhile the 'keeper prepares to whip the bails off and appeal for the run out. Remarkable.
The Final: Eventual winners OŠ Martina Krpana batting against Škofja Loka.
Look left, look right - Kids with their eyes on the ball.
A nice stance (left), with a good grip on the bat, leaving the batsman well-positioned (above) to go after a wide one.
Left: HM Ambassador to Slovenia Mr Hugh Mortimer says "This guy on the karaoke machine behind me is rubbish".
Right: A beaming smile from the Sports' teacher at Horjul Primary School, as he carries away a complete set of cricket equipment for his school, donated by the British Ambassador (looking on).